Home Home Remedies Doterra Essential Oils Is Now Launching Health Care Centers

Doterra Essential Oils Is Now Launching Health Care Centers


doTERRA is disrupting the modern health care system by providing an integrative approach to keep their patients healthy and thriving.

doTERRA’s medical providers are taking proven methods of healthcare delivery including traditional western methods, essential oil treatment, and wellness services to health care centers in an effort to prevent disease and maintain optimal health.

Their Mission

Lower healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes by incorporating essential oils and other integrative approaches into the healthcare system.

The U.S. healthcare system is broken. Out-of-pocket costs are rising and accessing quality care in a timely manner is increasingly difficult for many Americans.

  • Despite spending more on healthcare than any other country, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is lagging behind all other high-income countries at 78.9 years.
  • The U.S. has the highest body mass index of any high-income country. More than one-third of U.S. adults suffer from obesity.
  • Compared to 35 other high-income countries, Americans have spent more money on healthcare every year since 2000.
  • The U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate of any high-income country.

Total health expenditures per capita

Source: Kalser Family Foundation analysis of data from OECD (2017)

doTERRA is providing better access to your doctor!

Patients will have 24/7 access to their doctors via telemedicine and more face time when they meet with their doctor in person

There has been a huge disconnect between doctor and patient in today’s health care. Today’s doctors do not take the time to get to know you and your body chemistry, they take even less time listening to you, your needs and what you are experiencing.

doTERRA wants to change that!

doTERRA is providing the highest quality medical providers

A team of dedicated doctors (MDs and DOs), nutritionists, essential oil experts, and wellness coaches will ensure that patients receive the highest level of care

Prescription drugs are failing to provide the health it advertises, death rates are higher from the use and addiction to them and still we have seen an 84 % increase in  prescription drugs cost and consumption since 2003, it is not working.

Western medicine ignores holistic solutions, we have lost touch with the medicines that have been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures for a reason, doTERRA is providing REAL doctors who understand the need for nature’s medicine and is integrating plants into health care as a priority.

doTERRA’s Membership Model

Patients pay a monthly membership fee that covers the cost of their clinical care; there is no need to bill insurance or make copayments

doTERRA clinics wide range of services

Medical services include primary care, urgent care, wellness coaching,

doTERRA Health Care Clinics

  • Owned and operated by doTERRA
  • Flagship clinic located in Pleasant Grove
  • Initially open to doTERRA employees (beginning 2018); later open to Wellness Advocates and the public

The first clinics will open in the first half of 2018. Announcements will be made on this website once the exact opening dates for these clinics are known.

As a doTERRA advocate I am beyond excited to see health becoming a priority and real solutions being provided to people who need them! If you are interested in learning more about doTERRA’s essential oils and supplements or you would like to sign up and integrate them into your diet for a healthier lifestyle click here!


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5 years ago

DoTerra has opened up Prime Meridian Health centers in St. George, Utah and Nashville, TN already. Phoenix, AZ is scheduled to open late 2019.

Catherine Bleish
5 years ago
Reply to  c

This is super exciting!!!!!

4 years ago

Do you have any news on the clinics? I was looking forward to the clinic opening in Phoenix…………..but it is no longer listed as upcoming. The Nashville clinic has closed. Do you have any information? As a provider, I was hoping to work for them and planned on leaving California to work for them.

Catherine Bleish
4 years ago
Reply to  Meagan

I don’t but I will totally look into it!