Home Recipes Jelly from Flowers? Edible Flower Recipes for Lilac Jelly

Jelly from Flowers? Edible Flower Recipes for Lilac Jelly


wood-1406895_640Along with Lilac, there are many different kinds of edible flowers with many various aromas and tastes including but not limited to: roses, violets, dandelions, lavender, honeysuckles, elder flower, hibiscus, marigold and so many more! To many, it is surprising to discover how many flowers are actually edible and all the simple and delicious ways you can prepare them! One of the simplest and more rewarding recipes for your taste buds is to make jelly with your edible flowers and our favorite lilac jelly.

Enjoy this recipe for lilac jelly!


  • 2 c. packed lilac blossoms
  • 2 1/2 c. boiling water
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon butter Vegan substitute if preferred
  • 4 cups of raw cane sugar
  • One box Sure-jell powdered pectin

51O5deOh+gL._SX439_BO1,204,203,200_Learn how to cook with flowers, but the book on Amazon!


1. To infuse the blossoms in water you want to place the blossoms in a heat resistant container and pour the boiling water over.

2. Allow them to steep 8 hours or overnight.

3. Strain the flowers out of the water.

4. Make sure to squeeze out the concentrated water from the strained blossoms. You should have 2 1/4 cup infused water. Add more water if needed.

5. Place the flower infusion, lemon juice, butter (or vegan substitute) and pectin in a large pot. Bring to a boil.

6. Add all of the raw cane sugar, return to boil. Boil for one minute, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

7. Skim foam off the top if needed.

8. Remove from heat.

9. Put jam into jars.

10. Let cool.

61gLLbLN3WL._SX363_BO1,204,203,200_Learn how to cook with flowers, but the book on Amazon!


Makes around 4 half pint jars or 8 – 4 ounce jars

Not only can you make jelly with Lilacs you can even make cakes, drinks, honey, syrups and more! Who knew this common flower had so much potential? And be sure to find out all the other great flower recipes out there!











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5 years ago

Is this a freezer jam or a sterile jar, sealed jam you can store on a shelf? I’d love to try it as lilacs will be out in the next month.